Precision KC


Our Interior Painting Process

Whether you hire us, or want to try your hand at painting an interior surface, following our process is the best way to get the results you desire. Why worry about following all the steps required when we have talented, experienced painters that can complete your interior painting job to the highest standard? This is the process we follow on all our interior painting projects to ensure each one meets our high standards.

All furniture and blinds need to be removed away from the painting surface – you can elect to have us do this for you or you can do it yourself.

Any surface that will not be painted will be covered or masked off before the project. Plastic will cover any furniture or floors to eliminate possible damage.

Holes, cracks or missing texture will be repaired in drywall before the painting process begins.

The surface must be clean and dry before we begin – we will wipe down all surfaces to ensure the best paint adhesion.

Any cracks around baseboards, windows or doors will be re-caulked if necessary.

All loose paint will be scraped away and surfaces sanded where needed before we begin painting.

Typically, we spray ceilings first to apply an even coat, then paint walls with two coats of paint. We use 12” or 18” rollers, depending on the job, keeping a wet edge and rolling from ceiling to floor.

Painting the edges and “cutting in” takes skill and experience to do it right. Our process uses slow, long strokes to get the best results.

All coverings and masking will be removed by our crews once the painting is completed. No mess will be left behind from our crews.

Every completed interior painting job is inspected for quality by the foreman of the crew and you will get a chance to review it before you sign off on the job.

Leave the Details to Us

Skipping even one step in this process can leave you with an inferior painting job. Our crews follow every detail of this process to the letter, using top quality equipment and paint with proven techniques for a flawless finish. For your next painting project, leave the details to us for a perfect surface every time.